On the harvesting site:
The pain on the harvesting site corresponds to those observed during a typical liposuction procedure. Patients complain of a fairly sharp pain for up to 48 hours, which can be treated with simple analgesics (pain relievers). We infiltrate diluted Naropin (ropivacaine), long-acting powerful local anesthetic after harvesting, which limits the pain of the harvesting site ++++during the first 24 hours. Moderate pains subside within a few days. There is then an uncomfortable sensitivity, which can persist for 1 to 3 months. At the end of the procedure, a simple dressing is put in place and is left for ten days. Class 1 paracetamol analgesics are prescribed for about 2 weeks.
The bruises are very marked and can persist for around 2 to 3 weeks. Postoperative edema disappears in 3 to 4 months. To promote the resorption of edema, we ask patients to perform circular self-massages of the harvesting areas. An abdominal compression belt can be recommended for one and a half months, however is not prescribed in a systematic way. In rare cases, if the edema is prolonged more importantly, then we advise to carrying out a dozen sessions of endermology (LPG, cellu-M6), or manual lymphatic drainage.
On the breast:
There are bruises that disappear within two weeks. The edema associated with the procedure disappears in about a month. The evolution of the volume is towards a progressive loss of about 20 to 30% of the volume injected, however the patient, because of the edema, can have the impression of losing about 50% because the patient sees the result the day following the intervention when the edema is maximal. The volume is stable after about 3 to 4 months. When the harvested fat is very oily (very high percentage of oil after centrifugation), the fat is then of poorer quality and the resorption may be higher, of the order of 50%, and may last longer, up to 5 to 6 months.