The contraindications of fat tissue transfer into the breasts are extremely rare +++. The main issue is represented by the lack of fat, that is to say, very slim patients in whom there is not much to harvest. In order to complete a fat tissue transfer, one needs enough areas of fatty tissues to harvest from, knowing that the quantity of fat harvested will undergo a 30% loss with processing, and another 30% loss that occurs within the first 3 months after it is transferred into the breast.
In some cases, the contraindication may be relative and we can harvest the fat from many different fatty areas, but that will inevitably prolong and complicate the harvest.
A single in depth consultation with an experienced plastic surgeon +++ allows the evaluation of the quantities of fat that could be harvested in a given patient and thus decide if the intervention is feasible or not.
In addition, a patient that has large weight fluctuations or a patient that wishes to lose weight after the intervention is also contraindicated for this surgery, yet only temporarily. Reevaluation will be necessary after her weight stays consistently the same.
Areas of pre-existing fat-necrosis are not favourable to a new session of fat transfer, as they impede the survival of the transferred adipocytes. However, they represent only a temporary contraindication. These areas may disappear spontaneously, or under the influence of massage; if their volume is large (several cm) and there is no tendance of amelioration, they should be treated by lipo-fragmentation before any further lipomodelling session.
Moreover, any situation in which the microcirculation is unsettled (like diabetes or smoking) renders the survival of the graft more haphazard, and has to be taken in consideration before deciding for or against a lipomodelling session.
Last but not least, any suspect lesion of the breasts, or any patient that is not willing to comply with the imaging protocol put forward by an experienced radiologist in this area constitutes a formal contraindication.